What Happens If You Leave The Child’s Tongue Tie Untreated?

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Generally, tongue-tie is determined as a condition that interferes with the normal tongue movement in children. This condition doesn’t require any treatment in some cases, while others can lead to more severe problems in older age. Don’t miss your chance to apply to the tongue-tie and lip-tie treatment in New York City and get rid of the consequences of untreated tongue-tie now. With that being said, let’s discover the causes of tongue-tie, symptoms, and how to get help.

What are the causes of tongue-tie?

Typically, the lingual frenulum – a band of tissue that covers a tongue and the floor of the mouth – separates in newborn babies. However, the mentioned band of tissue may stay in place for some reason. The tongue-tie condition makes it difficult for kids to move their tongues, and as a result, it can produce problems with speaking and eating. The heredity also influences the possibility of having this condition – once the family history includes tongue-tie, a kid’s risk of getting the same condition is higher.

Effects of untreated tongue-tie

The symptoms of tongue-tie often include difficulties with moving the tongue from side to side and trouble moving the tongue out of the mouth. Whether the tongue-tie isn’t treated on time, it can have the following health risks:

1. Difficulties with breastfeeding;

The tongue-tie condition can influence the proper breastfeeding process in newborn babies. As a result, it may cause troubles in a baby’s growth, development, and nutrition.

2. Oral hygiene and dental health problems;

The wrong tongue development affects the ability to keep kid’s teeth clean that produces troubles with teeth like caries. However, oral health problems usually appear in older children with untreated tongue-tie.

3. Difficulties with speaking;

The tongue-tie in kids increases the risk of getting speech troubles, including difficulties with pronouncing certain sounds and letters.

4. Impact on everyday activities;

This condition influences the daily routine interfering with the normal tongue movement and even causing pain. This way, it can affect the ability to eat or play musical instruments too.

Tongue-tie treatment

Mostly, the tongue-tie condition can be solved via the surgery called a frenotomy that provides the removal of the frenum from the kid’s mouth. Fortunately, this surgery is considered not complicated to perform and can be done in most clinics. Additionally, another method of treating tongue-tie condition goes to frenuloplasty. This procedure can help patients who have too thick frenulum for frenotomy or extra repair solutions. The frenuloplasty is typically done under general anesthesia. Moreover, some specific exercises for improving tongue moving ability or reducing the risk of scarring can be advised. Keep in mind that whether your kid is suffering from this problem, it will be better to consult with your doctor to choose the proper treatment.