What Is The Most Popular Red Wine

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It’s easy to pick the same bottle of red over and over again, especially when you don’t know any other popular red wine brands. There are hundreds of brands today that put out exceptional red wines. You should explore popular red wine from each brand and see what you like. To give you a head start, here are the most popular red wines types.

1. Cabernet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon is the most popular red wine type with different flavors like black pepper, black currant, and anise. The grapes grow and do well in almost all the wine-growing regions globally, especially South America. That may be the reason why it’s the most popular red wine ever. It can also be blended with other flavors to make different varieties of wine. It mainly has moderate acidity and deep red color. This should be your go-to wine when you are serving red meat. Find the best cabernet sauvignon bottle from a reputable brand and try.

2. Pinot Noir

All red-wine lovers appreciate Pinot Noir because it’s a crowd-pleaser. It’s soft and fruity, that is why it’s very widespread. It may not be the most popular sweet red wine, but it has some qualities people always look for. It has so many flavors, including spicy horseradish and dark fruit. Furthermore, it’s also lighter than other grapes like cabernet sauvignon. There are luxurious bottles with expensive price tags. But the US, Germany, and New Zealand are known for producing affordable Pinot Noir options. You may notice that some Pinot Noir flavors are far from each other, but they are all equally delicious. It’s slowly becoming the most popular red wine in the US.

3. Merlot

Merlot is another popular wine all over the world. It’s widely loved because it’s easy to drink and dry. It’s the second favorite in America after the cabernet sauvignon. It’s made using a variety of red-skinned grapes that do well in different climates. The wine is food-friendly and available at different price points. The sensual, soft texture appeals to everyone. Merlot offers something for everyone, from rich, plummy, velvety to oaky; that is why it’s adored. The red wine pairs well with so many types of foods, making it perfect for a social gathering. You won’t be a true red-wine fan without a single bottle of Merlot in your wine rack.


Cabernet Sauvignon is the most popular red wine, followed closely by Pinot Noir and Merlot. They are popular grapes, but you have to find an established wine brand when you want to taste the rich flavors. The quality differs depending on where it was made. But overall, all three wines are solid options that won’t disappoint.